ActiveX在LabVIEW下的事件回调和数据传递(论文) - 风定云远 - cpubbs论坛免费虚拟仪器博客 labview虚拟仪器讨论区 - cpubbs论坛 虚拟仪器论坛|labview论坛|labwindows论坛|vi|cvi|数据采集卡|入门教程|初学|软件下载|虚拟仪器免费博客|虚拟仪器电子商务|虚拟仪器商城|虚拟仪器人才中心|图形化单片机编程cpuview|虚拟仪器在线商城 - Powered by X-Space
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上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-03-20 10:54:33 / 个人分类:wdy1

【英文篇名】 Realization of ActiveX event callback and data transfer in LabVIEW
【文献出处】 国外电子测量技术, Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology, 编辑部邮箱 2008年 03期  
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊
【关键词】 ActiveX; LabVIEW; 事件回调; 同步技术;
【英文关键词】 ActiveX; LabVIEW; event callback; synchronization technology;
【摘要】 本文介绍了ActiveX控件的特点,阐述了LabVIEW7.1下ActiveX控件的使用原理及其事件回调的注册方法,解决了事件回调编程中的数据传递难题,保证了数据的实时传输和数据处理,避免了数据的丢失和数据覆盖。本文以MSCOMM32控件为例,介绍了MSCOMM32在LabVIEW下的事件回调和数据传递技巧,具有技术的通用性,对扩展LabVIEW自身功能具有应用价值和参考价值。
【英文摘要】 The property of activeX control is introduced,the principle of using ActiveX control and the method of register event callback are both elaborated. And the problem of data transfer in event callback programming is solved,as a result,the real-time data transfer and data processing is ensured. The data lost or data covered is avoided. The MScomm32 ActiveX control is taken as an example to introduce how to program to solve the event callback and data transfer in LabVIEW7.1.The method is universal and common us...

TAG: ACTIVEX ActiveX labview LabVIEW LABVIEW Labview 论文 数据





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