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Creating the Perfect UI - ugg boots

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-14 13:30:24 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Creating the perfect U.I. is something that a great majority of World of Warcraft players strive for. We spend huge amounts of time searching out the mods that benefit us the most and then even more time arranging them on our screens to create the best affect. In fact just the other day I spent the better part of two hours ,cheap ugg boots;around my various mods mostly because my screen looked like my four year old’s bedroom floor. Not a good thing.

I personally feel that the way a U.I. looks can also affect the way a player performs. If your U.I is neat, functional, and suits your needs, you will inherently perform. your duties in ugg boots game better. Not to mention that each U.I is almost like an individual work of art, and as such we like to show them off. I have yet to be in a guild that doesn’t have a post for all the guild members to “show off” their U.Is. Obviously the advantage of being able to see other U.Is is to gain knowledge from them and possibly snag some ideas to make your own U.I more functional, but who doesn’t like to hear someone exclaim, “Wow your U.I is awesome!”

But what really makes an awesome U.I.? It’s not just looks, and it&rsquo,custom usb;s not just functionality, itIt needs to be a perfect balance of the two all blended together to reflect the unique individual that created it. While each person may have an’s idea of what the perfect U.I. will look like for them, there are some obviously bad ideas, and some obviously good ones. To give you a better idea of U.I’s that could hinder or help your play here are some examples:

To avoid being one  of those people with not so great U.I.s keep a few things in mind such as:

Keep it simple. Sure it might be nice to download every single mod ever created, but if you can’t see your screen, you can’t really play. Only download and use mods that are useful to your class, or make your overall U.I. setup more organized and better looking.

Keep it organized. Even if you only have a few mods, if you fail to organize them once you get them in game you are going to end up with a big jumbled mess on screen. It also means that you are probably making less than full use out of the mods you have. For example if your raid frames are hidden under 6 other mods and you can no longer really see then, what good are they really doing?

Customize it. Once you get your mods of choice in game and the general area you want them in be sure to go into the settings and make sure the mod is going to work for you. Having a mod that is not suited to your needs ugg boots or wants is just a waste of space. For example if your cast bar is only showing melee swings, and you’re a ranged caster class, allowing it to remain that way makes your cast bar mod just a waste of space.

Change it up. Much like learning new and better ways to play your character, looking for and finding better mods,cosplay, and U.I. setups is also important. Check out other player’s U.Is for ideas to continuously make your own U.I. better. This works especially well with players of your own class, since that way you know the mods work well for your specific class. If something strikes your fancy, don’t be afraid to ask what mod it is, and then go try it out.

Be true to yourself. While meI and every other player has opinions of what the best U.I. is, at the end of the day, it’s really all about you, and what works for you. If a certain set up works for you, but all your friends think you’re loco for using it, shrug and smile and use it anyways. Never forget that it’s your U.I and you are the one that has to play with it. Make your U.I. work for you, and no one else.

Not all World of Warcraft players are gifted enough to compile a user interface that looks like it should be in an art magazine. There are some very ugly U.I’s out there, even if they are functional. And while functionality really is the most important thing sometimes some of us desire a little bit more.

Thankfully there are options out there for the less artistically inclined among us. Many full mod packs can be found with just a simple search. These will pretty much allow you to decide what you want your U.I. to look like, then you simply download the pack and do a little rearranging and a bit of customizing in game, following the picture shown, and wham your U.I. is beautiful and functional with (usually) minimal effort on your part.

Some packs will give you every mod you could ever possibly need, while others will simply give you enough to form. your basic U.I. Before downloading be sure to be aware of what mods come with the pack. This will help you set up led lights the mods once you download them, and also to determine if any other mods are needed to further supplement your play. 

One other thing to be aware of is to make sure that any mods or mod packs you download are still being updated either by the original author or other players who have taken it upon themselves to update formerly abandoned projects. Nothing is worse than finding what looks to be an excellent mod only to install it and discover that it hasn’t been updated for the most recent patch and causes your game to freeze or crash. With many of the top mods out there this won’t be an issue, but always do your research before installing newer or more obscure mods.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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