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Dragons are Silly - ugg boots

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-16 13:02:00 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

So rumblings are happening around Azeroth and they’re not just in adventurer’s stomachs. Random earthquakes are happening all over Azeroth as a prelude to the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. We’ve yet to run Arthas through ugg boots with your blades and we’ve already got an angry emo dragon doing something under the ground. Various invisible NPCs (kind of like the NPCs that used to guard the forbidden areas of the game except these are invisible and nothing like those) are roaming around doing the Fel Reaver like shake up. I don’t know what to say about this, really, other than let’s all focus on Arthas before we get mixed up with Cataclysm.

The other thing is that Icecrown is opening up today. Are you prepared?

The simplification of Cataclysm gear also hit the news big time this week, but I honestly don’t feel that it’s new news. We’ll talk about it in the Weekly Musing if you want to scroll down there.

I’m sorry loyal Overpull readers that there hasn’t been a lot of news lately. The holiday season is now officially over so you can take respite in the fact that gears will be moving, guilds will be farming, and there will be things to talk about.

Wait, this just came in, they're nerfing Occulus. Well, buffing it with more loot. If you get it on random then you get two additional emblems of triumph, some rare gems (free money), and a chance at an epic blue dragon mount. That's going to be freaking awesome.

We learned last week about the different flights of dragons. Now it’s time to learn about the Blue Dragonflight. You may remember Malygos from when people cared to run him. Onyxia and high level welfare items took his place, but believe it or not he&rsquo,cosplay;s a major lore character. He’s also a lot more powerful than the game makes him out to be. So powerful that he causes a mini-cataclysm of his own but luckily adventurers stop it from going out of control.

Magic is a powerful force on Azeroth. So powerful that it can rip the very fabric of reality away if it’s abused too much. This is the reason for a lot of the “Mana ____” such as the Mana Wraiths and other weird creatures. It also attracts the Burning Legion, is addictive, and corrupts both the caster and the world. Using magic is a bad thing, especially if you don&rsquo,cheap ugg boots;t moderate yourself.

Well Malygos was a pretty cool dragon. When the First War happened there was this big fuss about how they would defend Azeroth from the invading demons. Deathwing proposed they put some of their power into the &ldquo,floding bike;Dragon Soul” and use ugg boots that to defeat the demons. Malygos helped Deathwing talk everyone into it. So they did and he ganked the Dragon Soul, took control of a ton of dragons, and screwed everyone over. Malygos lost most of his flight and went mad with sorrow locking himself away.

In the Second War kidnap Deathwing kidnaps Alexstrasza and takes her to Grim Batol. Krasus tells Malygos about this, offers him a new brood, and snaps him out of his lull. He agrees and they all go kill Deathwing and destroy the Dragon Soul (or Demon Soul at that time). Malygos starts feeling a lot better and works on rebuilding his brood for awhile.

Well. He takes a good look at the world and sees that all of the problems with the world are due to the major abuse of magic. Not only that, but the use of magic is ripping the world apart. If something isn’t done to curb the use of magic then Azeroth is screwed big time. His solution isn’t forming a council and talking about. No, instead he decides to just wipe out any magic user that doesn’t have his express permission to use magic. The story is actually kind of fuzz, because the quests say one thing, Blizzcon says another, and then the books add in their take to everything. We’ll just say that Malygos says magic is bad and he wants to help “fix it”.

So he builds these giant surge needles to refocus all of the world’s magic to the Blue Dragonshrine in order to power up his dragons. These beefed up dragons then can be used to wipe out things such as the other dragons (I never figured that one out) and magic users. You do your part in this story by disabling the dragonshrine, killing the attackers on Wyrmrest, and killing Malygos.

The sad thing with this is that Malygos is a very powerful being. You don’t actually kill him. Instead the red dragonflight kills him. That doesn’t make it even better though. That just makes you feel better to know that one of the most powerful beings on Azeroth was killed by an equally powerful force instead of just a couple of adventurers. Just so you know, Alexstrasza could probably kill the Lich King without a problem. She could probably have leveled the Blue Dragonshrine and then take out most of Icecrown. She has 139 million HP and we know she has considerable power. After all she controls life itself.

The point of this story is that Malygos was ruined by Deathwing. He lost his entire brood save a few eggs and let magic go so long ugg boots without its guardian. Then he comes back, turns against what he protects, and gets killed by some random adventurers. He did not even get to die in the battle against Deathwing.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 日志数: 16
  • 建立时间: 2009-06-20
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-26


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