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Healing Priest Discipline Guide - jordan shoes

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-29 12:33:47 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Doomed to wear cloth and to share gear with cloth wearing DPS classes, Priest healers have it rough.  Extra squishy due to the cloth, Priest healers need to have high situational awareness to be able to keep themselves alive. A tolerance for sharing is also required, so when that Mage takes those boots you have been waiting for over the past few weeks you don’t go into a complete nerd rage.

Discipline Priests are very powerful tank healers, relying more on mitigating the damage from the target than directly healing it. Power Word: Shield is the Discipline Priest’s best friend and will probably become one of your most jordan shoes used spells. However, with recent changes Discipline Priests have also become viable raid healers. Using their Shields to avoid most damage and the jumping ability of Prayer of Mending to heal whatever small amount of damage is actually taken. Still, Discipline Priests really do shine as tank healers and as such should be placed in this role as often as possible.

Item Stats

Discipline Priests will be on the lookout for basically the same stats as Holy Priests. Don’t be fooled though; while they may be looking for the same general stats, how these stats are valued is vastly different.

Intellect is a major player for the Disc Priest, for basically the same reason a Holy Priest would value it. The more Intellect you can accumulate, the bigger your mana pool and the more it increases your mana regen.  It also raises your critical strike rating to proc Divine Aegis & Inspiration and increases the mana regeneration you will receive from Rapture. Picking up as much Intellect as possible is advised.

Spellpower is  next on the list and is just as important as Intellect for the Discipline Priest. Spellpower will dictate how much you can heal for, and in turn dictates how large your Divine Aegis shield ends up being. Discipline Priests who choose to spec into Borrowed Time will gain even more from Spellpower as a Priest without it. Overall, Spellpower is one of those stats you just can’t go wrong with. ,cheap ugg boots;

Critical Strike is very important for the Disc Priest and can almost be compared to Spirit for the Holy Priest. Most of the Disc Priest’s spells work based off of crit, most notably Divine Aegis. As such Disc Priests should stack this stat as much as possible.  There is very little reason to stop stacking crit, and a good Disc Priest should be able to pull close to 40% with decent gear.

Disc Priests rely on haste slightly less than a Holy Priest, as they use a lot of instant casts and as such they should only have enough haste to reach the hard cap at 11%. Stacking any more than that is simply useless.


With the changes to Spirit, Priest healing styles have drastically changed. No longer can a Priest just stand around and rely on Spirit to do their regeneration. While mana can still be regained by just standing around it has been nerfed and quite a bit of gear is required before you can really count on ticks outside of the 5 second rule.

As such Priests are now relying more heavily on Intellect for mana regeneration purposes, especially since the size of the Priest’s mana pool affects mana regeneration abilities such as Shadowfiend. You will eventually find that you will attain much more Intellect than Spirit because you can not stack Spirit without nerfing the other stats important to you.

Discipline Priests do not have to worry about using out of the 5 second rule regeneration as they are all about sustaining. Discipline Priests must take advantage of any free Global Cool Downs available to put more Shields up. The more Shields nike shoes you have up, the more chances for it to be removed with damage, allowing the Disc Priest to gain mana back through Rapture. Another reason to constantly be casting your Shield instead of standing around waiting on your mana to regen is the ability for Disc Priests to proc Borrowed Time. After each Power Word: Shield is cast, Borrowed Time provides extra spell haste for the next spell you cast, and also increases the amount absorbed by your Power Word: Shield based on your Spellpower.

When you really are in a mana crisis, Discipline Priests like all other Priests can make use of your Shadowfiend. Using Shadowfiend at the same time you use Hymn of Hope is advised. Hymn of hope increases your max mana for a period of time, therefore increases the mana you get back from your Shadowfiend. Do this and you will find yourself back to almost full mana in no time.

Fade and You

As a healer you will find that very rarely will you ever have to worry about threat (unless you have a really terrible tank). But you will still find yourself in situations where threat is a concern for healers, especially when there are many mobs spawning that cannot be picked up quickly. An ill timed heal can bring these newly spawned mobs down on you, easily wiping you out. 

To avoid getting splattered all over the ground by rampaging mobs, making use of the Priest’s Fade ability is imperative. Fade temporarily reduces all threat for 10 seconds, and gives your tanks time to pick up the mobs you have gained aggro on. Keep in mind that after the 10 seconds is up all your threat will instantly come back and any mobs that are not picked up by a tank or another player will make a bee line for you.

To avoid gaining aggro in the first place, don’t be afraid to throw up a shield or two before the mobs spawn. This gives you a nice cushion before you actually have to do any more healing, giving your tanks a decent amount of time to gain aggro on any mobs before you start gaining aggro.

Raiding as a Discipline Priest

Now that we have gone over most of the basics here is a description of how a Discipline  Priest functions in a raid setting. Discipline Priests (if you haven’t caught on yet) are excellent tank healers and as such this should be their assigned job in any raid if possible. Like any other healer, knowing what spells you have up your sleeve is very important as what spells you use can vary depending on the situation.

The most commonly used spell by a Disc Priest are Power Word: Shield and Penance. These are your bread and butter, know them and love them. Use Penance on every cool down without fail. For those Discipline Priests with Borrowed Time, using  your Power Word: Shield often grants an extra bonus as it keeps up Borrowed Time granting you 20% additional Haste on your next spell. Using Prayer of Mending is also an excellent idea, not only does it bounce between raid members, but it also can Crit, which in turn will proc your Divine Aegis.

At times you will find that you cannot cast Power Word: Shield or Penance due to cool downs. You should be jordan shoes casting something, however what that something is will not always be clear. Some Discipline Priests will choose to cast Flash Heal, while others swear by Greater Heal.

Flash Heal has a smaller chance to overheal, thus maximizing returns from Rapture. You can also manage to cast two Flash Heals in the time it would take to cast one Greater Heal, giving you a great chance to Crit, which would proc Divine Aegis more often. However, Greater Heal is slightly more mana efficient than Flash Heal, but players can find it tough to minimize their overhealing while using it.  If you can time your Greater Heals well and minimize the overhealing you do with it you will be able to achieve more healing in a shorter period of time than if you were using Flash Heal. Also, since Divine Aegis currently overrides itself a second critical strike with Flash heal may be a waste.

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  • 日志数: 17
  • 建立时间: 2009-07-01
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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