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DPS Instances and Raids - ugg

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-24 12:39:13 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Chapter I: Movement & You
The first rule of doing damage is that movement is everything. Movement can affect your DPS both positively and negatively and it’s one of the biggest game mechanics that players mess up on. For melee DPS you have to be within melee range (i.e. close) while ranged need to remain within the maximum reach of their skills. If you’re out of range then you will automatically do 0 DPS.

Chapter II: Activity
Being inactive in some fights hurts everyone, especially in high level content.Being active is the most important thing you can do while in combat. More often than not a lot of players who are properly geared but not doing very good damage ugg are just not being active. You’ll see seconds between the time one ability finishes and they start casting/using the next one. The most important thing is to have the next skill in your rotation ready to be mashed as soon as the current skill is used. You should never worry about your resources, unless you need to save some for key interrupts.

Chapter III: Positioning & Death

Even at lower levels you should never be below the tank in DPS. As you can see in this example, using these tips I was able to get #1 at level 72 while others were lagging far behind the tank.How much DPS does a dead person do? Zero. (the impending zombie apocalypse not withstanding) That’s another key rule to doing DPS. You need to be alive in order to beat something with your stick (or axe or hammer or fiery magic or whatever). How can you stay alive? By not standing in damaging environmental effects, or in front of bosses – in other words, being constantly aware of your surroundings.

Many bosses will place down void zones (glowing circles of death),cheap ugg boots, fire, or things like desecration. Standing in these will hit you for a ton of damage and can easily be avoided by moving out of them. You need to be aware and alert of your jordan shoes surroundings and be ready to move,floding bike, even if it DOES cost you DPS (as we learned earlier). You have to weigh the lost DPS of moving vs. the lost DPS of you being dead. Melee classes have to be extra careful not to stand in front of bosses because they will often have a cleave or some kind of AoE frontal cone attack that’s designed to be absorbed only by the tank.

Chapter IV: Hotkeys & Reaction Time

In heroics the bar is set much lower, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best.
I’m going to be honest to you; a lot of DPS can be lost to reaction time. Let’s say you need to mash Ice Block within the next 2 seconds or you’re dead. You’re pretty much going to die on the next hit and the tank isn’t going to make it to save you in time. If you take too long to hit your survival button then you’re going to die, even if you make the commitment to hit it but get tangled in searching for it or moving your mouse around to click it.

I’m talking about skill clickers vs. people who use their mouse for movement and their keyboard for skills. I know very few people who click their skills and do near comparable damage to others in their class. As a matter of a fact, I have never seen anyone excel at DPS by clicking their skills. Of course, I’m not ignorant enough to assume that everyone cares enough or has the time to learn WSAD and how to use SHIFT, CTRL, ALT plus FVCXZTR123456 for their skills.

Chapter V: Rotations
Rotations are a complicated subject, but also the most important thing for every damage dealer out there. If you don’t use your skills in a proper combo with one another then you’re going to be really ineffective in combat. Everything we’ve learned so far has led us to this key point.

You know that moving around improperly will negatively affect your DPS and that dying will negatively affect your DPS. Standing in the ugg wrong spot will as well and your reaction time can hurt too. Using the wrong skills can hurt even more. Our individual class guides can be an excellent resource for those of you looking for more detailed information on the best rotations for your particular class and spec.

For instance, if you’re a Feral Druid and your Savage Roar and Rip expire then you might not know which one to use first. Well,custom usb, if you know that Savage Roar increases the damage of Rip when it’s applied then you’d know to gain 2 combo points, Savage Roar, and then gain 5 combos points to Rip. Then gain 5 combo points and do a proper Savage Roar. Flexibility at its finest.

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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