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is a middle-aged and menopausal women will suffer from the disease

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-09 15:15:04 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

In China, the peak age of onset of breast cancer 40 to 60 years of age, many people think that breast cancer is a middle-aged and menopausal women will suffer from the disease,DVD Ripper, it is not. Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangdong Province, the second breast, director, director of Chinese medicine practitioners, Guo Tao, said young women and older women have the same risk of breast cancer. From the beginning menstruation, women's breast began to develop, and subject to regular estrogen stimulation,#x showing a Evening Primrose Oil Softgelcyclical proliferation, return to the past. If this hyperplasia with restoration of old lose their balance and structure of the mammary gland arises pathological hyperplasia, increase the risk of breast cancer, even breast cancer. The post-menopausal women, but also because of scientific complement of estrogen and other factors makes breast lesions occur.

Recent studies have shown, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities of the female population in breast cancer incidence has risen every year, and was younger trends. Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangdong Province, 2nd Division the past two years of breast admissions breast cancer patients, 40 years#x of age accounted Evening Primrose Oil Softgelfor 15% -20%, many of whom are young white-collar workers aged 20-30, while in patients over the age of 70 has also increased , the maximum age for breast cancer patients treated in 96 years.

"As the only middle-aged women that breast cancer is more common diseases, many young women did not breast self-examination and periodic medical examinations consciousness. Especially unmarried women, often because of shyness, ignorance of the reasons can not take the initiative to seek medical #xtreatment, soEvening Primrose Oil Softgel to miss the most good time for treatment. "Guo Tao believe that the prevention of breast cancer should begin at age 14, monthly self-examination, there is family history of breast cancer or breast cancer, women are more risk factors should be regularly checked. 18-39 year-old proposal subject to a breast specialist every six months of the check; 40-69 year-old do a breast X-ray examination every six months subject to a breast examination of B-and specialists,

TAG: DVD dvd Ripper





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