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Govt seeks Afghan push to find political solution to war

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-12 14:23:50 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Govt seeks Afghan push to find political solution to war Govt seeks Afghan push to find political solution to war The government on Wednesday called on the Afghan government to intensify effortsTarps China and find a political solution with the Taliban to bring the conflict there to an end.#x

Speaking in the United States, Foreign Secretary David Miliband urged President Hamid Karzai to match international efforts by intensifying a search for a political agreement.

"My argument today is that now is the time for the Afghans to pursue a political settlement with as much vigour and energy as we are pursuing the military and civilian effort," said Miliband.

"The political settlement needs to be external as well as internal, involving all of Afghanistan?s neighbours."

Tarps China A settlement needed to involve "those parts of the insurgency willing permanently to sever ties with Al-Qaeda, give up their armed struggle and live within the Afghan constitutional framework," #xhe said.

The work of international forces alone would not be enough to secure Afghanistan after more than eight years of war, Miliband told an audience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"While violence of the most murderous, #xindiscriminate and terrible kind started this Afghan war,Tarps China politics will bring it to an end on the back of concerted military and civilian effort,google优化," he said.

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  • 更新时间: 2010-03-16


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