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new style christian louboutin boots

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-02 07:30:32 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

The pump is wearing a skirt to wear every time,this is clever! You can also match the handbags Givenchy.Once a period of time I break from the bargain hunting,check what is happening in the world I rarely visit the fashion retail world.
I must say,the Christian Louboutin side button,it is absolutely wonderful,if I love a good side and a suede upper,buttons,shoes,recalled the elegance of their past performance of my paintings by Diego etc.often Ge Velazquez,Francisco Goya details of the meaning,I was her clothes.
Pink boots Christian Louboutin's signature design,highlighting women's Roumei,beautiful,sexy mature play.
C'est Moi boots powder is an empty black and silver shoes,retro style. sandals.It is also suitable for young women to wear in the summer.It is fineworkmanship.
This is a very comfortable wearing a pair of shoes.This is a typical Christian Louboutin boots.and it.Many people like world women's sandals,there are different styles of shoes yards style.This totally different,it can ensure your satisfaction.
If you like it,fast access time and panic buying,you can choose your friends as a birthday gift a pair of shoes.
Christian Louboutin black python boots,hide,hide platform.Christian Louboutin boots 120 mm / 1 inch is about 12 cm / 5.5 inches high,with almond shape toe,back zipper,high heels and signature red soles.
The drill-shaped heel high heels high heels for more than a broad,gradually narrowing.Subulate heel high-heeled shoes with his feet thick soles used hardcover,including heel,so these shoes better,more personalized.
 Fashion and elegant style,tempting many girls,no matter who gets it.Do not miss this beautiful opportunity.






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  • 访问量: 30
  • 日志数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-02
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-02


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