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christian louboutin velours scrunch boots

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-03 01:40:49 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

I prefer shoes that undress to Christian Shoes that dress,”he states.“A successful shoe is a shoe that accentuates nudity.The woman remains entirely nude when she wears those shoes.The shoe becomes the privilege of nudity.”
The knee length boots can play a very good modification effect was not beautiful enough for the lines of the female calf,the knee length boots can play a very good modification effect,Modern white boots  is able to bring heavy clothes,but also bring elegance.Black boots are very practical,with any dress stylish,the design can always make people become sexy.
Christian Louboutin grasps around for the right word —“tarty.We get very smart women coming in and buying a pair to feel a little more sluttish.And then,thank God,”he exclaims,“we also get the hookers coming in the store,who buy my shoes because they are superchic.You see,whatever you have,if you add a drop of the opposite,then it just becomes a little more sexy.”
“There's the sexy side,and then there is the Parisian side,which is complementary but also the opposite.If you are very chic you might not need an extra drop of chicness,so you go for the sexy side and buy my Christian Louboutin shoes because they are…”
The pale gold carpet in Bergdorf Goodman's shoe salon was pockmarked with hundreds of small indentations one recent Thursday afternoon.
Christian louboutin Sandal Platform. Cage is considered as classic because of the fact .they are very comfortable and they are worn all over the word by women of status,it was masterpiece of the Christian Louboutin Sandals.






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  • 访问量: 18
  • 日志数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-03
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-03


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