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suddenly at

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-06 23:28:19 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Wearing a red jacket,aion gold to, blue jeans, wearing long hair, oval face Liuye Mei, lips slightly deleted, and his right hand holding a silver handgun inside, with shares of refining the body strong dry taste.

"Oh! With the chili is really unwise to bicker ah!" Ge Xiansheng still sitting on the sofa, his right hand patted his forehead, said.

"Ah! Why do you want to track young Chinese?" Red pepper Su big beautiful women, with a pistol pointed Gexian Sheng said.

"Young Chinese? Young Chinese who is? We followed him for? Injustice ah! SO beautiful! We are here to travel!" Ge Xiansheng unmoved, shrink the shrink neck, Liangshouyitan.

"Ah! Then you go back and say to talk to me! I would like to formally arrest you! Follow me!",ffxiv power leveling and; Su said, tipping beautiful pistol.

"Alas! Another silly! Knows Su beauty does not need reasons to do anything, I would like to find ... ..."

Speaks, then Ge Xiansheng suddenly face a sharp, right hand suddenly yellow shiny, repeatedly fired.

Su beauty see a bad one stood back turned, very agile. Foot has just left the station where she had just a stone cone thorn out of thin air from the ground,ffxiv gil ask., the further contraction in an instant disappeared. If people die in the above is also disabled!

"Porphyrin porphyrin porphyrin ... ..." Su big beautiful without any pause, repeatedly shot and fired it Gexian Sheng. The sound is not significant. Shot speed is very fast.

The two middle,aion power leveling in, bullets are a khaki-colored light shield block, but the fast-intensive yellow light bullets to shield cracked earth, when, as many as a bullet to circumvent the light shield, fired at Ge Xiansheng.

"Ah!" Ge Xiansheng face a change to escape the less.

"Puff",maplestory mesos eyes; bullets hit the Ge Xiansheng shoulders, he was a one way or another next to 12, to a roll on the ground disappear.

From the war to the end, but just a few seconds, but also to restore calm.

",maple story mesos not;Ah! Letting mice run! Shiver my soul!" Red pepper Su beautiful feet a chop, kick kicked over a chair.

'Is it really cure young Chinese Department of iso-capable, not a qigong? 'Su big beautiful to know those who can heal the Department of differences is very scarce, the world no more than 5, had not thought there such a Yicha. An instantaneous treatment of any illness and those who can vary the wound was so important to the whole four,aion power leveling a, pairs of countries, there are a few benefits of a never-ending ah!

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TAG: gil power Power aion lev maple story me ffxiv





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 197126
  • 日志数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2010-03-05
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-06


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