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Glory of the Darkspear - aion kinah

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-09 12:06:00 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Driven from their homeland by the more powerful Gurubashi empire, the Darkspear trolls took up residence on a distant island, only to have their home destroyed by an evil sea witch. The Darkspears sought aion kinah refuge with the Horde, and were granted permission to take up residence on the Echo Isles, but once again the Darkspears were plagued by disaster. The diabolical witch doctor Zalazan managed to divide the Darkspear tribe, and claimed the Echo Isles as his own.

Vol'jin's army.Determined to not let their homeland slip away the Darkspears erected a temporary village and have since been preparing to stage an attack to win back their home. Now with the introduction of PTR Patch 3.3.5, the trolls are finally ready to make a stand after many long years of waiting and they need your help. The trolls ask that you assist them by completing the new quest chain Zalazane‘s Fall.

While I typically don’t spend a lot of time in Sen’jin Village, it is apparent even to me that it is a village on the verge of war. An army of Darkspear trolls, lead by Vol’jin himself, stands at the ready, command tents have been erected and the witch doctors are dancing like they have never danced before. The Darkspear tribe are willing to fight and die to reclaim their homeland and you will play a major role in the victory.

Just behind the village proper, close to the shore you will meet Vanira who will request your help to prepare for the coming battle. For your first mission Vanira asks that you assist her in a simple scouting mission. You, however, will not be doing the scouting, instead you are required to capture frogs that will do The spies...they be frogs mon!the scouting for you. Once you have captured the frogs, and Vanira has attuned them to her eyesight you are sent to the local bat handler on a frogging mission (a lot like a bombing mission except with frogs). The bat will keep flying around until you hit 12 targets, very nice for those of us who have very bad aim.

After you turn in the quest, another quest will appear this time from Champion Uru’zin who is standing just down the beach from Vanira. Uru’zin asks you to perform. the very mundane task of traveling to Razor Hill and recruiting some aion gold trolls for the cause. On a bright note he does give you a very cool drum to help with the recruiting. Maybe it was my animal magnetism, or maybe the quest was just set up that way, but none of the trolls said no and this portion of the quest line is quick and easy to complete.

Vanira demands your attention again as she informs you of what her spy frogs have found on the island. Apparently there is a strange tiger that the other cats of the island avoid and of course you are picked to check it out. To do this Vanira imbues you with the Spirit of the Tiger which turns you into a very fast, very cool upright walking tiger. After you have been transformed you are sent on your way to challenge the strange tiger who turns out not to be a tiger at all, but instead a troll druid. Yes, that’s right, a troll druid. The troll druids have been in hiding awaiting the return of Vol’jin and are more than happy to join forces with the rest of the Darkspear tribe. This also leaves us wondering if troll druids will take the form. of a tiger in cat form.

This quest turns in to the big man himself; Vol’jin. With new allies on your side Vol’jin sends you to the witch doctor to find out when to launch the attack. When asked to read the omens the witch doctor informs you of another potential ally; Bwonsamdi, the guardian of the dead. Inform. Vol’jin of the witch.

Troll’s instructions and he will present you with an item called Darkspear Pride that will transform. you into a Darkspear Troll.

Head back to Champion Uru’zin for next and final portion of the quest. Very much like the Battle for the Undercity, this part of the quest chain is phased, and timed. After a short flight to the staging area  and you will make your stand with Vol’jin and the rest of the Darkspear warriors (including some random sea creatures) against Zalazane, who happens to be quite a bit higher than level 10 now. An epic battle ensues and Zalazane is defeated.

Spirit of the TigerOnce complete you are ported back to Sen’jin where you are rewarded with a shiny new achievement. Upon inspection it seems that even world of warcraft gold after completing the quest the level 10 version of Zalazan still remains on Echo Isles, which will most likely be changed once the patch goes live.

Overall the lore was interesting, the quest line was entertaining, and flowed nicely, without proving to be overly long. There seemed to be only a few minor glitches and the overall experience was very pleasurable.

TAG: aion gold Gold GOLD kinah of warcr World world





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 344992
  • 日志数: 5
  • 建立时间: 2010-07-09
  • 更新时间: 2010-08-02


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