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Fake fur is very stylish cow - fur fashion brand - China apparel network

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-25 09:20:02 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Once a woman has one side of the margin of fur, it is difficult not to its Movable. Fur, the wind moving with a full elegant, a woman lifetime memorable favor. Recent years, the design of fur is more fashionable,louis vuitton outlet, bunt fur, leather vest, fur shawl another, and as people increased spending power, with a fur is no longer something that people dream of the contrary, many women has begun looking for his fur second and third on a fur coat ... ...

this winter, the wind still Jinmeng fur. In fact, when women enjoy the beautiful luxury of time, a new way of \Even a lot of first-line fashion brand, not stint lower figure, with similar materials to create fur fur as fashion.

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climate summit in Copenhagen, proposed the \\Indeed,chanel handbags for sale, since 2007, environmental fashion fashion on the subject of public concern, many fashion brands main attack environmental tactics, pure natural fiber extracted from the fabric fashion product to sell, in reducing risks to human health and safety, while those Green fashion to reduce the burden for the earth.

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exaggerated shawl with fluffy cotton fur as decoration, looks cute, playful, with a deep warmth. Rather creative stitching fur coat, slightly informal hippie taste, slightly informal bohemian style, with leather skirts and jeans to trousers are a good choice. Waist section of the black imitation leather vest grass, take a red patent leather belt, show up as stars shine like luxury.

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