Old beggar word - Essay story - Essays Essay - Article Reading Network - cl博客yqy583 - cpubbs论坛免费虚拟仪器博客 labview虚拟仪器讨论区 - cpubbs论坛 虚拟仪器论坛|labview论坛|labwindows论坛|vi|cvi|数据采集卡|入门教程|初学|软件下载|虚拟仪器免费博客|虚拟仪器电子商务|虚拟仪器商城|虚拟仪器人才中心|图形化单片机编程cpuview|虚拟仪器在线商城 - Powered by X-Space

Old beggar word - Essay story - Essays Essay - Article Reading Network

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-14 13:59:21 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

have a friend who likes the water burst the belly, often drags me in the streets of Harbin, from house to try to find Muslim restaurant to eat. He later he found one, on the latitude and longitude on the street, not window dressing, health conditions people to boast, but do so very typical lib. Period of time, we often go there some gluttonous.

It was one afternoon last fall, the two of us sat on the Kodate in Tuibeihuanzhan, not lunch time, only two of us old repeat customers store, restaurants, business owners also carry her a beer, sit the two of us next to the gossip, this is a very lazy afternoon.

in our belly to the second set, when the water burst, an old beggar comes into the room.

Hotel is located in the downtown area, often abjection and disguised sorehead to seek help, and we all got used to them, this small restaurant owner winter ridge little human touch,Alexander McQueen wiki, whenever there is such a thing ,guuci wallets on sale, more or less he should be given two, and today is no exception, not so old opening, he pulled out a dollar handed in the past. Old people do not, do not sound very vague to say no, not money,prada handbags, there are leftovers for one to become.

This has us very surprised ---- This is a real \I could not help but carefully looked old, he was more than 80, and physique pretty tough, very very straight back, the most rare is an old clothes though, but basically clean count, which is absolutely beggars were rarely seen.

say begging to go to restaurant is in the right place, can in fact completely not the case. Small restaurants do is repeat business, customers something leftover drained directly face to face, their staple food is pork dumplings at home, now to the current package. Small employers simply do not leftovers to the elderly, it is clear he does not give to the elderly is to present a package so small as he expected such a bad thing to resolve.

our table with a drawer siu mai, we will be on time to such a, I a not eaten, my buddy is tasted, the reason for it is a habit. The restaurant waiter very thing you point at a meal, she would casually ask: \\

friends interested in this old place, call attendant proud owner of this drawer small dumplings to the elderly to take over and let the old man sitting next to our table to eat. No outsiders, small proprietors do not sit down and pretty much just getting old, said the table vinegar, with mustard,Coach bags sale, want to use casually.

murmured to thank the elderly, the burden from the player pulls an enamel mug you want some water, the mug surprised us, Parti cylinder can also be identified on the red line - - dedicated to the most beautiful people!

my buddy is out and out the door after his grandfather was a Major General during the 55-year endowed.

see this mug old beggar in the hands of such a wonder we are friends hesitate to ask for the elderly this bowl come from?

old murmured: \\Said the old man do not need.

I got up to help elderly people to our table, so there will be a kind of conversation ... ...

\\\\\\\\\\\the history of the heroes of our army forces - Menglianggu on Zhang Lingfu been killed this unit, so that the columns of the First World War fame.

we take their food to the elderly, pouring, to our topic ... ... \\\\\I have books,Happy famous 27 - Essay story - Essay Essay - Article Reading Network, there are books in! \disabled veterans certificate. The old man slowly rolled up the left side of the pants, I saw a wooden leg.

friends in the bag and picked up a stack of white paper very carefully open the view, after reading it gave me silent.

village that is a letter of introduction, to the effect that those who hold that the letter of recommendation for my disability Village demobilized soldiers, had no children, loss of ability to work, financial difficulties as the village, unable to support, special permit go out to eat, look around the government assistance and so on.

dazzling red seal of the village committee. We are all shocked by this fact,marni bags on sale, the hotel owner has dumbfounded, for a long time before he stumbled against the old man said: \; ... \

asked me wonder why old people begging in the process of Why Do not money? Old people staring at me suddenly said: \\

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  • 建立时间: 2010-06-07
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-17


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