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Common sense checks and packing documents

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-28 09:15:10 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Abstract: The check is for the payer's bank demand draft. Specifically,moncler boots for women, the drawer (bank depositors) of the bank (the drawee) issued requiring banks to see the vote as soon as payment instruments. Drawer checks should be in line there is no payment arrived in the par value of deposits. Such as insufficient funds, provided the holder liable to protest, this check is called blank check. Dishonored checks to the drawer liable.

The concept of checks and categories
Check is the payer's bank demand draft. Specifically, the drawer (bank depositors) of the bank (the drawee) issued requiring banks to see the vote as soon as payment instruments. Drawer checks should be in line there is no payment arrived in the par value of deposits. Such as insufficient funds, provided the holder liable to protest,moncler jackets nyc, this check is called blank check. Dishonored checks to the drawer liable.
Checks can be divided into: a bearer, bearer check, check, certified check, a note of transfer.
Bearer check is the drawer in the payee column marked ",moncler down jacket red;paid to a person,christian louboutin shoes discount," "due to someone or their designees." This checks the transfer circulation, endorsed by the holder, withdrawals by the beneficiary in the back of the sign.
Bearer checks, also known as blank check, payable to the column marked "paid to come." This check can be transferred without endorsement, withdrawals are not required to sign the back.
Crossed check in check in the face on the program two parallel horizontal lines,herve leger sale dress, the holder of such checks can not withdraw cash, bank receivables accounted for only commissioned.

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