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Women suspected to have been slapped female staff theft was detained under 17

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-09 10:34:58 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Wang slapped saleswoman. (Up to the day of surveillance video) ,versace bags sale

Wenzhou Network News,hermes bags on sale, "I am impulsive and I did not expect to be so serious." Yesterday afternoon, the users were known as "Sister of violence" and Wang, for her 4 minutes 17 female staff within the slapping of violence under the act, the loss of eight days to pay the price of liberty.

for Wang impulse was triggered on April 12 at her cell phone missing, she suspected was a good clothing store in the West Wing Keung good lost (newspaper on April 16 has been the subject report). "Nothing great night I also used cell phone store. Out of the shop, passing a fruit stand to buy a fruit and went home. Bag zipper, the epidermis and hard about I think we should throw in the same shop for." Ms. Wang said, several communication no fruit, she angry, anxious, impulsive female clerk hit a few hand.

Wang said, so calm down, she very sorry. Net posts and related news came out, asking friends and family gave her a great deal of pressure. "I do not know what to say, both are very afraid of embarrassment. Recently, the East has to live live live live in the West." Xu 5 pm the day before yesterday, she was back to his son exit procedures Yongqiang,givenchy bags sale, a cell phone store in the police force summoned.

Miss Liu does not accept mediation by the victim, according to Wang, the public security police detained eight days, a fine of 500 yuan in administrative penalties.

according to video shown at 6:55 p.m. on the 13 April, in a clothing store, the shop girl wearing a blue coat was introduced to two customers clothes. At this point,louis vuitton outlet, a woman wearing a white coat (violence sister) the door into the store, menacing with his hand pointing blue female staff, with a tone of anger expression, his mouth kept talking about. In the 18:56 time sharing,anya hindmarch bags, the Miss Bai Yi started slapping waiters head, face and other parts, even under the fan 5 and went on to play the next ten years. Long Zhang Hui Hui's public declaration Correspondent

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