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Stranded Love - Diary - Original literature good mood

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-02 11:03:06 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Gradually, the previous vision of what it seems farther and farther away from me there will inevitably be lost.

the beginning he was like a person alone, and gradually came out of the life of many people, I found my life had been happy to accompany a number of things, I am engaged,prada handbags for sale, and more like he He carved the time, time to stay.

Later,louis vuitton outlet, Azeri life came, went, went, came again,Friend, acquaintance is the edge - diary - good mood Original Literature, and I fell into another lonely. Because the real people who remain in me is not that they are nothing but passing and carry on. Some of the ideas began to germinate in this time, I think, will only then one can always by my side.

Still later, there really such a person, others say that is called love, but I was thinking, what is love. I've learned to like others, began to fall in love,hermes bags on sale, but I still do not know what is love. Just feel that they were really not lonely, but felt more like an exciting time, but do not feel like no one care about the. I pondered that this might be the legendary love it.

time to rush too hastily,chanel handbags for sale, it seems that the feeling began to slowly stranded, can he still sleeping in this beautiful being. He started not used to, started to pay attention whether other people really everlasting and unchanging love, I heard one after another to everyone else how to do not believe in love like to hear about how much they poignant love to hear about how bad the world state,fendi bags, etc. .

me into silence, began to think about with regard to love, the words of life, because I do not believe everything they say it will be like.

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  • 日志数: 75
  • 建立时间: 2010-05-23
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-17


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