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When you see a time when love - Essay story - Essay Essay - Article Reading Netw

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-16 13:49:32 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

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love is everywhere Do not be afraid
failure no matter how many times injured

your true love waiting for you in front of

love is clearly indispensable to it,Gucci handbags,That voice, that smile ... - American Man Story - Prose Essay - Article Reading Network, I have had to abandon him,
because he wanted Well, maybe I can not give. He can not occupy,
hope to see him find happiness, even if the share of happiness is not shared with me.

love is, at any time he wanted to share happy times and even gave hope to all happy with him.
to love and how much it should ask how much you love him deeply, love more real. If your love is unforgettable, lingering death, that surely does not care about love in the process of how much you paid it. Even if the pay more, you can never have too many do not mind, because you will feel worthy. If you doubt your pay, aware of their pay should have a scale in terms of quantity there is, then, is not to say that you love already shaken it, has begun to doubt whether their pay and rewards in proportion. In fact, how much might be impossible for a sincere change of the back of strong love, but love to be one before us,Miu Miu bags, often we will go to pay for it all the time, we immersed in happiness and not give a damn even forget to love us in the end how much to pay ... ...

Love is when his eyes there is only one
him when he is not here, everything with his shadow

people will only know after the injury only after love
only lost treasure
will know when to give up only reluctantly

Love is in the lonely night, thinking of a flood hands holding the book was coming
not look at how my heart is always thinking about whether he was still working overtime at this time
eat not eat, is not normally think of as their own thinking about his own

Love is in the corridor had seen him, face, put on a do not care expression,discount Miu Miu bags,
but was snubbed by carefully feeling in the air around them vibrate, so can not help looking back one

love is lost not afford to lose love is game, paid only after all,
left may be just carved a scar in the heart

when you know love is
hurt when you

Human Growth always frustration among

do not understand what love is not necessarily a bad thing
may be more trouble to understand the future
more tired of this world

Love is hope that he and his act in unison, and their empathy
said his joke inadvertently also make their own instant
depression and even tears in front of him, he is from the undefended < / p>

love is where both hope to have him. Can stand on the beach to his cell phone, let him hear the sound of the waves;
also because the streets in a foreign land to see a blank resembles his back and fixed in place a long time.

love of his trip before the 1000 Pro Reminder million asked, to his backpack stuffed with clothes and food
at the station until the train pulled away and leave until he left the
day every day, restless and prayer over and over again that he can return home safely.

love is wronged when climbing in his chest,miu miu handbags sale, crying,
not disguise do not worry, all the trouble to tell him all,
and eager to get from his embrace comfort.

love is the weekend to make use of half a day and personally met a few dishes Road to see him eat;
is constantly in the cold winter continued on his coffee cup in hot water;
and he is walking down the street to let him close his hand arm;
is sitting beside him with quiet, happy to see him concentrate at work at the computer looks like.

love is his childhood listening to his anecdotes, and then smiled,
heart more pity for just this once so naughty man

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