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Tattoos, wild summer add elements (Figure) - Wild sexy color - China apparel net

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-30 09:04:46 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

took advantage of the cool days of summer clothes, so we follow this \

easy-to-use tattoo stickers

tattoo stickers in Asia in recent years have increasingly hot trend. Introduced a number of businesses are very easy to use tattoo stickers, affixed to the body as long as the desired location, before putting the water, close to the skin after a few seconds on the. If you are more careful when cleaning the shower, patterns can be maintained for several days. Do not like,louis vuitton outlet, and can be cleaned with alcohol, without leaving any traces.

tattoo stickers now have a variety of small shops selling fashion, the price is very cheap, usually around 8 yuan to 20 yuan.

For realistic results obtained, it is recommended to buy that single color tattoo sticker (black or dark red) is appropriate, and color fidelity relative stickers will be worse.

effect of realistic dragon fly fashion tattoo

recently, the market has emerged another new tattoo product, called dragon fly. It uses special pigments to the skin color, similar to the form. of screen printing. After the printed pattern can be maintained at least a month, compared to tattoo sticker, it is also more durable and more realistic feel, even as real results. Summer, accompanied by stylish men and women love to wear bright colors sleeveless T-shirt and Pants, monochrome dragon fly tattoo as finishing touch, adding fashion elements for the whole dress.

quick and easy henna tattoo painted

there is a temporary type tattoo methods are welcome. Because only a few weeks to maintain effectiveness Swift tattoo is to meet the family's taste.

nobility in northern India painted with henna tattoos,chanel handbags for sale, dyed hair, dyed and stained lips and nails, but also for the prevention of skin disorders, is the most popular tattoo means.

general this method is time-consuming and 5 minutes to complete, and then need to wait half an hour to 1 hour, to be part of the tattoo cream tattoo peeled off after the kill, the results revealed a pattern of bright realistic.

with this tattoo is more simple and quick, without harm to the skin, and when drawing clean, comfortable and can maintain a few days to several weeks.

paste parts of the text: recommend a woman tattoo stickers can be affixed to the waist, navel, and other parts of ankle and collarbone, so that will be very sexy. It is recommended that men attached to the shoulders,prada handbags for sale, chest, latissimus dorsi, buttocks and other parts of the smooth muscle.

paper map case: At present,hermes bags on sale, the most popular male tattoo design is still long, but it is not a traditional Chinese dragon, but a dragon with a Western flavor. Women's tattoo designs are popular images of insects, such as butterflies and spiders.

tattoo Notes: tattoos and the tattoo is a big difference. Tattoo is a real tattoo,fendi bags, can be regarded as a minor operation. Use of syringes, a needle of a needle up, is permanent. Tattoos are the general fashion, usually painted on.

We do not propose to do this a permanent tattoo, because the chemicals used in tattoo pigments, such as p-phenylenediamine, and tools used in tattoo improper disinfection measures will harm the body.

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