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wholesale throw Zibo Zhoucun was chosen to do silk flowers special silk Games Aw

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-28 10:40:03 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

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In the upcoming opening of the Eleventh National Games, from Zibo Zhoucun red silk and Heze Peony, Rose and Tai Ju County with pine, was elected to do presentation bouquet for rolled Special silk. During the Games, will be rolled Zhoucun red silk floated across the province with thousands of flowers on the awards scene. According to the person in charge of the National Games, was chosen Zhoucun silk because Zhoucun north China town famous silk,wholesale throw, on behalf of Shandong characteristics.
Zhoucun known as the hometown of silk and the reputation of the famous and famous for silk, silk industry has a long history, its predecessor in the ancient tomb of China silkworm silk industry, an important birthplace of the land and important starting point for the Silk Road at sea, the Shang Dynasty is an important center of silk textile. Early in the Ming and Qing dynasties, people used Sangzhi full retirement, all households are sericulture, step by step on the Airport sound, every family to describe the silk weaving industry developed Zhoucun silk. Later on,(Related articles: embroidered throws Ministry of Commerce invited the export t), around the wire business have to Zhoucun mainland, Zhoucun become the center of silk industry in Shandong.
In recent years, with a long history and rich silk industrial base, and gradually developed into the country Zhoucun District 12 is one of silk production base, producing more than 80 varieties,(Related articles: blanket wholesale Fur tanning agent of new environmental protection materials en), exports more than 20 varieties, with a large numbers in the province, well known nationwide in the well-known brands and silk textile industry personnel, formed a set of education, research, weaving, dyeing, in export of silk textile industry in one system. End of last year, the region of silk textile enterprises above designated size reached 104, the total output value of industrial economy accounted for the region of 15%. Zhoucun silk, embodies the strong features and long Shandong Qilu culture, is highly representative of the local characteristics and significance of the landmark scenery, which has developed a two-house silk, also called shantung, great features and Shandong Oriental Art Silk weaving style, in the international silk market, enjoy a high market share and reputation.
This year, the Zhoucun District seize the State Council,embroidered throws, "the textile industry restructuring and rejuvenation program" will bring the opportunity to upgrade industrial restructuring, strong and fine in accordance with the idea to join the national high-grade silk flag as the starting point, for 5 create national brand during the year to enhance the added value of silk products, development of complex, differentiated, functional new type of silk fiber, high-quality Pichou full use of resources, from first-class manufacturing, printing and dyeing to top class design,throw blankets, first-class order, first-class sales development promote the upgrading of silk products, silk fabrics and garments extend the industrial chain. Will be planning the next two years 457 million to build, including jacquard Silk Textile, China Textile City Science and Technology, 100 outlets operating in 12 projects the brand, create a national R & D center of silk textile industry 1, the provincial Technology Development Center 2, nurturing than 1 billion yuan annual sales income of silk textile 2, so Zhoucun beanieacity of 28 million meters of silk weaving, becoming the country's largest silk production base in the region. 

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  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2010-05-22
  • 更新时间: 2010-06-03


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