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custom throws Sales of cotton ushered in the golden period

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-03 14:41:38 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Well, now, companies then have money. Sudden increase in procurement as the mainland market, cotton sales and circulation enterprises,custom throws, golden cotton has come, the pressure to reduce inventory. China's recent purchases of very large companies, frequently even thousands of tons of 500 tons,(Related articles: wholesale throw Shaoxing textile industry graduall), while in previous years, this time most will be 200 tons. May 4, Shawan County, chairman of the cotton industry Co., told reporters Lansheng Army, a large number of mainland enterprises procurement, making the company's cotton depleted. 


and military companies Lansheng case, from Bole, Kuitun to Wusu and other North Slope areas, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the vicinity of the traditional cotton buyers have accelerated the pace of purchases.

Tianshan Mountains, according to Cotton Association

person in charge, from the early start date in April, sales of cotton in North Xinjiang region the fastest speed achieved during the year.

3 Until this month, sales of cotton depends mainly on the national Xi Chu, entering in April of the domestic market to pick up, the market began to absorb. A cotton distribution company officials said, at present, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Guangdong markets textile enterprises have to pick up, significantly increased the demand on Cotton, Cotton addition to phone orders, there are a number of buyers went to Xinjiang to buy cotton.

not only speed up sales, sales price of cotton has reached the highest throughout the year. The current price of cotton producing 12,700 yuan per ton, in the Mainland market price per ton up from 13,200 to 13,300 yuan, in particular the offer of high-quality cotton are more than 13,000 yuan, which is since September 2008 since the cotton market the highest price.

from country end purchasing and storage of cotton, of which 1.56 million tons of cotton Xichu. National Vice President Xu Yanyi cotton trading market that, as a means of macro-control, Xi Chu after the end of the domestic cotton prices continued to rise, control results show.

Corps Leung,wholesale fleece throws, general manager of cotton in East Asia, said the domestic cotton market Gouxiaoliangwang, Selling at Proper Price of cotton basically realized, cash flow of cash for business in the hands of cotton money, for the repayment of bank loans and control the operations The risk is positive.

It is reported that second half of 2008 due to financial crisis,(Related articles: custom throws This year will be in the predicament of Chines), the domestic cotton market prices, lower demand, Xinjiang and inland cotton market was seriously affected. In order to prop up the market, the state has three times the policy issued Xi Chu, total purchasing and storage of cotton 2.72 million tons, a record in the most absorbing reserves.

addition to national purchasing and storage,wholesale fleece blankets, the recent introduction of the textile industry revitalization planning, and reduction of cotton acreage in 2009 is also an important factor in the market rebound. Cotton Association of the persons concerned so.

According to national statistics from related departments, increase the cost of cotton by 2008, significantly reduced the purchase price, farmers reduced cotton planting intentions, enthusiasm broadcast equipment is obviously insufficient, and other types of purchases was lower than last year. In addition, the United States intend to plant 14% reduction in area. 2009, domestic and international cotton acreage reduction is a foregone conclusion.

reporter learned that the current Corps inventory are more than 20 million tons of cotton in Xinjiang more than 10 million tons of supply and marketing cooperatives. As the current sales situation is quite good, the industry is expected to June Xinjiang cotton will sell finished inventory.

According to statistics, in 2008 2502 acres of cotton acreage, yield about 3.01 million tons.

TAG: custom flee throws wholesale Wholesale





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  • 更新时间: 2010-06-03


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