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design tooling March polypropylene PP price stable and up!

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-04 17:06:02 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

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2 at the end, the end of the Spring Festival holiday, traders and downstream factories back to city, but the market is still immersed in the atmosphere for several days, especially small and medium downstream manufacturers started slow,rapid molding, weak overall demand in the market, more inquiry, the actual transaction scarce. East China Town, Yuyao market quotations in the 11700-11750 refining T30S yuan / ton, waiting to see a strong atmosphere. Beijing and Tianjin in North China for the Tianjin-based PP plant overhaul time for parking and nearly Yanshan Petrochemical, a certain reduction of social resources, the market stable and slightly higher, CPC T30S offer 11,700 yuan / ton, more than supply. South China started slowly downstream, the market volume was light,plastic product design, a slight downward trend of some products, merchants were cautious, drawing newspaper 11750-11850 yuan / ton, injection reported 11800-12250 yuan / ton.

Month, the Asian market in crude oil under high support, PP Although the Asian market stopped declining, but because of the Spring Festival approaching, the market demand is very weak, and the Far East and Southeast Asian markets were flat, the atmosphere was light, traders said that now only wait for the market to resume after the holiday. Among them, China PP (Drawing / Injection grade) prices at 11,850 yuan / ton level. In Southeast Asia, and buyers have the market, the market more active, usually sold in 1270 U.S. dollars / ton. In the next few weeks is expected to reach 1,300 U.S. dollars / ton, 90-day credit. According to the latest news,(Related Articles:rapid molding March 16 large inventory of plastic market), early in February, Sohar Oman Polypropylene plant closed its annual production capacity 340,000 tons / year of installation, routine maintenance. Expected to last four weeks.

End, the Far East PP Drawing / injection prices 10 dollars / ton, most traders believe that buyers will gradually enter the market. Southeast Asia fell 15 dollars / ton, most sellers turn to Southeast Asia,(Related Articles:custom mold PU materials car market-driven develop), not China. South Asian market remained steady. PP from the United States are sold in Asia heard has been canceled.

3 months are the peak season demand for downstream plants, and high international crude oil asylum, it is expected before the market was stable correction mainly Lantern Festival, Yuan Xiao Festival on with the downstream all the work,(Related Articles:make plastic mold This year agricultural film raw), the growth in demand, prices stable and rising.

TAG: design molding plastic Plastic produc rapid tooling





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  • 访问量: 65740
  • 日志数: 6
  • 建立时间: 2010-05-25
  • 更新时间: 2010-06-04


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