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上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-08-08 15:41:09

Disney opens new park in HK

      Walt Disney Co. officially opened its new Hong Kong theme park on Monday, exporting a piece of the Magic Kingdom to China''s doorstep in a bold bid to gain a bigger foothold in the vast Chinese market.
A troupe of Chinese lion dancers in gold and red emerged from the gates of Sleeping Beauty''s Castle to chase away evil spirits and bring good luck.
"China is an important area for us to move forward in and building a Hong Kong Disneyland will certainly introduce everyone to who we are," Robert Braunstein, senior show program manager for the park, told reporters.
Both the company and the government have high hopes resting on the success of the park, Disney''s first in China and its second in Asia after Japan.
Disney is clearly hoping that millions of Chinese visitors to the park will bring home a taste for its products, from mouse-ear caps and stuffed toys to DVDs.
the park is also expected to give a major boost to Hong Kong''s economy, creating tens of thousands of much-needed jobs and generating $19 billion in revenue at the venue over 40 years.
Some visitors at rehearsals have complained of waiting for hours for rides and food and said that the park is too small. At 126 hectares (311 acres), it is less than half the size of the original Disneyland in California.
the park cost $1.8 billion to build, with another $2 billion spent to reclaim land for the project and build public services.
the Hong Kong government, which owns 57 percent of the park, has been accused of giving up too much in its negotiations with Disney, while other critics fear Disney could eventually open another park in Shanghai, damaging profits.
"I don''t think it would be a threat. We have two locations in America," Braunstein said.
Nevertheless, Mickey mania has swept this city of nearly 7 million people on China''s southern coast. Disney shirts and souvenirs are on sale around town and the park has received wide coverage in Hong Kong media.
Local television stations broadcast the opening ceremonies live and radio stations aired announcements from the government urging people to plan ahead if they wanted to visit the park.
Thousands of journalists and tourists have descended on Hong Kong for the opening, one of the biggest media events in the city since the former British colony was handed back to China in 1997.
the park is expected to draw 5.6 million visitors in its first year, a third of these from mainland China.


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  • 访问量: 165097
  • 日志数: 33
  • 建立时间: 2007-07-13
  • 更新时间: 2007-11-15


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