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Strange Day by Theyla

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-11-12 10:25:08

Strange Day by Theyla

           She grinned and I saw why she made a point of not laughing. With her mouth closed she was a rather pretty girl. I paid for the saucers and we walked out to the street. I hailed a horse-cab and the driver pulled up at the curb. Settled back in the slow, smoothly rolling _fiacre_ we moved up the Avenue de l'Opéra, passed the locked doors of the shops, their windows lighted, the Avenue broad and shiny and almost deserted. The cab passed the New York _Herald_ bureau with the window full of clocks.check valves children toothbrush children boot Children slippers children snow boot children socks children toothbrush Childrens Socks childrens tight Chinese Turquoise Jewelry Set Christmas Flower  so my friend and I both bought ourselves one and immediately put it on our necks to wear. However, everywhere we went, nobody seemed to see us or pay any attention to us. It was as if we were invisible. We noticed a nun riding on a bicycle and laughed to ourselves because it was such an unusual sight to see. Of course we found no vacancy and decided to return home. However, a thick fog moved in on us and I felt that to drive home on the windy roads was extremely dangerous. I decided to drive to the next town in the opposite direction hoping to outrun the fog. We pulled into a gas station and tried to get some gas. There was nobody there, but a man who acted like he was waiting for us to arrive. He told us the gas station was closed,Circular Pump Classic oil painting Classic oil painting on canvas clothes hanger clothes rack COB Module Coffee Tables Coin Red Coral complete sets of Equipment Confetti  but we could go an alternative route back home. We followed his directions but seemed we were driving for hours without any sign of a gas station or a town. Finally, when I was ready to give up hope, we crossed a bridge and my daughter announced that there was the nun we had seen earlier standing by the side of the road. The rest of us did not see her. But up ahead we saw a faint light coming from a coffe shop that was in the middle of nowhere. The coffee shop was named after me and we all thought that was strange. We walked into the shop and they announced that the shop was closed, 

 Pernod is GREenish imitation absinthe. When you add water it turns milky. It tastes like licorice and it has a good uplift, but it drops you just as far. We sat and drank it, and the girl looked sullen.

       "Well," I said, "are you going to buy me a dinner?"

 The police decided they could not find our location and so we just hung up and drove hoping our gas would last us to our destination. Finally, after another half an hour, we saw a trooper pulled over on the side of the road motioning us to stop. At that point the white truck passed by us and the police officer pushed his face into the passenger window asking if we were ok with gas? We were pleasantly surprised and said, "Oh,CONFETTI BLASTER CONNECTOR SOCKET Console Container Mold/mould Control Arm cooling plate- sheet metal fabrication Coral Chips Coral Gems Coral Rose Flower Coral Round Beads  you were notified that we were running out of gas?" He had no knowledge of such a report. The odd thing was this man’s face was ghostly white and he reassured us we would make it home ok.

It was a warm spring night and I sat at a table on the terrace of the Napolitain after Robert had gone, watching it get dark and the electric signs come on, and the red and GREen stop-and-go traffic-signal, and the crowd going by, and the horse-cabs clippety-clopping along at the edge of the solid taxi traffic, and the _poules_ going by, singly and in pairs, looking for the evening meal. I watched a good-looking girl walk past the table and watched her go up the street and lost sight of her, and watched another, and then saw the first one coming back again. She went by once more and I caught her eye, and she came over and sat down at the table. The waiter came up.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 444108
  • 日志数: 38
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-12
  • 更新时间: 2008-01-29


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