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heart painting

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-29 09:26:43

Overlord Ge Xing
The drama "Overlord Ge Xing" on the stage PVC PROFILES o reproduce a poem of Xiang wow powerlevel

Yu. According to this, "Xiang Yu" made, he is not only a qualified

military personnel, or passes lover; both "Bashan fortune of the"

heroic spirit, "Yu Yu Xi Xi Chennai Rehe" Beiqi sentiments He is Hammer

, unrestrained, and it is Touching, graceful; he can "mad sword," and

to "complain to Chuixiao."This is the traditional Chinese literati

perfect personality for the self-imagined. Gong Zizhen at the age of

21, gave a "reference Wye," he revealed Xinji, " complain to Chuixiao,

and the crazy, swords, two Xiaohun Taste" wishes. Some people say that,

when he was young, "Comrade<affairs, acting in high spirit

Quan, I, the Italian state." He said, when the young "taste in Chunye,

the Salisbury double Yajisha, clothing desalination Huangshan, Yilan

flute player , the song Dongpo "Dongxiange" word, the audience-yan. "

However, many years have passed, and look back on past events, he

wrote: "Meditation 15 years in the matter, it also horizon, the tears

also the horizon, the double negative xiao heart with a sword." That in

real life, these two mutual Personality conflicts in the reunification

of a person's body, is almost impossible. His friends Zi Chun once

pointed out: "of both is difficult, there are not." He "Jinlv song"

send Gong Zizhen, wrote: "Xiaguyouqing xiao and swords, sword-Q Who

xiao heart painting? "Gong Zizhen 48-year-old, he is left to the South

also come to their senses, he wrote:" EAS SYSTEM Youth Fencing more Chuixiao, Xiao

Jian Qi Xiao Xin case. points Who Love desolate naturalization after

thousands of dirge-Jin. "

Speaking from Xiang Yu Gong Zizhen, PVC WINDOWS to illustrate a poem of the rare

and Xiang Yu impossible. However, Xiang Yu will not be an exception?

Xiang Yu's deeds will be the first to resort to text is Sima Qian Tai

Shi Gong. In his "Historical Records of the Xiang Yu Ji" in the shape

of a naive, willfulness, Shuangzhi, Leila, some reckless, conceited and

the indomitable spirit, fought courageously from the beginning of the

heroic image, write a person's true character. Today's playwrights and

directors, this is "true nature" of Xiang Yu, the play is the basis of

artistic imagination. In their view, "Xiang Yu modern it is a shame to

the force of personality." The force of personality that the essence of

the play in the performance of some of the features of this, he did not

seek power, not value life, Jiangshan, he is concerned about the

destination of the soul, and his love - his love of women and women

love him; In his view, the war is not paramount to the position that,

but show individuals charismatic stage. Here, he like the "art for

art's sake" artists, war is no utilitarian purpose, and he is to fight

and fight, he is a war enjoyment of the "aesthetic." He occupied the

moral high ground, showing a rather exaggerated sense of morality (in

this regard, even more Concubine Yu Xiang Yu). He even repeated for the

Kangsha 300,000 Jiangzu demonstrated remorse and unease. This Xiang Yu,

not only has "a shame it to the modern force of personality." Moreover,

for all of the "shame of it the force of personality." NEEDLE LOOM
Is not the case? Every one of us in this Xiang Yu before, only shame.

Howeverare easy to pack, easy sewage leader, show this is the

case. A perfect man is perfect, it is easy to show his flaws. XiangYu

this is the case. He arena moral confession, in the end have lost the

art of influence, a narcissism of a madman, that is, that have been

unable to excessive self-admired people. As the expression of idealism,

perhaps more than fiction drama greater freedom in the drama arena,

novelist statement, once converted into the player himself, the

statement said that the pose an entirely different feelings. Willing to listen to a person who

will never cease to declare the moral? As a result, this Xiang Yu in

the final on their own to the opposite, he's ashamed of it that people

will force of personality disintegration of the self. This is less than

we never expected to.



TAG: painting heart





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 更新时间: 2008-06-14


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