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Decipher the treasure of China gold farmer

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-29 14:43:02 / 精华(3) / 置顶(3) / 不允许评论

College students would like to have a part-time. The students who just graduated take it as a contemporized job. wow power leveling become popular in some youths. Power-leveling is to kill in the virtual world and get money through earning virtual gold. “In 3 days, 60 hours, I sit in front of computer for 58 hours besides eating and going to restroom. I feel so good and I earn 200 RMB.” In a Internet Cafe on Wenhua Road , a Junior student, Liu xiao liang, have a chat with the reporter while staring at the screen of computer. He became a wow power leveling (world of warcraft power leveling). with 3 others. In this cybercafé, Although the salary is not much but they can support themselves. But they feel very tired. The reporter look carefully at them. They all have these characteristics: oiled hair, dry lips and smoking because of lack of sheep. The reporter find a Internet Cafe on Dongfeng Road, there are many wow powerleveling, and most of them are graduated students. “I began to hunt a job before graduated. Later I found one, but I gave up. I think world of warcraft power leveling is fit for me. Now I can get 1000 RMB for a month and I’m satisfied. At least I can support myself. And I haven’t think about the future .” He said, Zhou Hua is now very thin and smelly. Li Song, who is in the same Internet Cafe, think Zhou Hua is very excellent .and many players employ him. But he is the most tired. Now his weight has reduced from 75 KG to 62 KG. Through the introduction of the boss , there are 6 students here like Zhou Hua. They are not all computer science major, but good players. 600RMB a months and the boos offer eating and living .After finish the task, they can do whatever they want to earn money.

TAG: china gold Gold treasure farmer Decipher China





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 49357
  • 日志数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2008-04-29
  • 更新时间: 2008-04-29


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