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Welcome to World of Warcraft:

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-07-14 14:19:18 / 个人分类:网络娱乐

Welcome to World of Warcraft:

"World of Warcraft" is a top MMORPG, in the game, you can experience together with your friends the ultimate challenge and adventure, a taste of the new game fun! Can you and friends together in this vast world of adventure, you will feel that they gradually become the Aizelasi a great hero. In the formal entry into the "World of Warcraft" before, you need to do some preparation work, such as the installation of the client, account registration, certification activated, and the world, such as initial. In order for the beginning of a new adventure Aizelasi who are more quickly adapt to the world, launched a grand Aizelasi Research Institute of New School Guide. We strongly suggest you in our three lovely adventure under the guidance of instructors who complete the required studies,wow gold  which not only allow you to the next adventure trip benefit, but also able to find for themselves a new target. To all the players can experience the fun ofrolex World of Warcraft, enjoy Aizelasi bring you happiness! Tips: Please install FlashPlayer9.0 above, the best performance If you successfully completed the New School's curriculum, then you can now officially entered the mainland Yizelasi magic! World of Warcraftwow gold  the latest information on film: burning a total of 10 expedition in the race, nine vocational, professional race each have a different between the characteristics and strong points. World of Warcraft's two rival camps - Union and the tribes have deep grievances, it is worth noting that you can only choose one of the camp, but also between the Union and the tribe is unable to team up and communication. In Zhongyi you choose their own role, you can start the game.

TAG: Warcraft warcraft World world Welcome together adventure





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 98632
  • 日志数: 3
  • 建立时间: 2008-07-14
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-14


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