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  • lgh269 (广东) web项目经理手册-项目经理的工作内容

    发表于 2007-09-05

    转自  杨争   一、项目经理的目标1、满足项目利害关系者的不同需求。清晰明确地了解每一个项目利害关系者的需求和期望,投其所好。项目利害关系者包括:项目团队成员和项目团队外成员(比如各部门的部门经理,客服等)。2、保证开发项目按时保质的完成。 二、项目经理的职责1、建立有效的流程保证项目的顺... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 一见钟情

    发表于 2007-08-08

    一见钟情 Love at first sight         Edward Reiser was driving down an old dirt road, looking for a shack1. A witch2 lived there, and he was hoping she could help him. He found what he was looking for, stopped and got out of his car. An old ugly woman in a shapel... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 生活的乐趣

    发表于 2007-08-03

    生活的乐趣The Joy of Living   Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 英语散文:Love(爱情)

    发表于 2007-08-03

    英语散文:Love(爱情) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is , won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 我们这个时代的尴尬

    发表于 2007-07-31

    我们这个时代的尴尬Paradox of Our Times [1]We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more deGREes, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness. [2] We spend too recklessly... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 普京的生活故事

    发表于 2007-07-27

    普京的生活故事   Russian journalist Oleg Blotsky holds his book entitled "Vladimir Putin: Life Story" during a news conference in Moscow, January 21, 2002.    He is fearless, altruistic, steel-willed, hospitable, unbelievably hardy, unpretentious and warm -- and he has lost none of these q... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 将爱放飞 令爱常驻

    发表于 2007-07-24

    将爱放飞 令爱常驻let go love   there was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving songbirds. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She cared them with love and the birds GREw strong. Every morning they greeted ... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 美不胜收的哥本哈根

    发表于 2007-07-24

    美不胜收的哥本哈根Spotlight on Copenhagen   Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind.   See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark s best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the Sea Peop... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 一封绝妙的情书

    发表于 2007-07-19

    一封绝妙的情书 An Ingenious Love Letter  there once lived a lad who was deeply in love with a girl, but disliked by the girl’s father, who didn’t want to see any further development of their love. The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father would rea... ...全文

  • xingxing74 (上海) 上帝之死 The Death of God

    发表于 2007-07-13

    上帝之死 The Death of God If Nietzsche’s ideas on the origins of morality are correct – if moral ideas are the simple result of human self-interest and the evolutionary urge to survive – then what can we say of religion, that ancient source of moral principles and commandments? And what will b... ...全文

  • baiyun010 (重庆) Tomato

    发表于 2007-07-10

    Tomato Do you know the tomato is the world's most popular fruit Notes:  The tomato is the world's most popular fruit. And yes, just like the brinjal and the pumpkin, botanically speaking it is a fruit, not a vegetable. More than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced per year, 16 mi... ...全文

  • baiyun010 (重庆) 'Star Wars' Grosses $16.5M in Midnight Run

    发表于 2007-07-10

    'Star Wars' Grosses $16.5M in Midnight Run Moviegoers flocked to the dark side in droves , giving the final installment of George Lucas' "Star Wars" tale a record-breaking midnight run. "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith" raked in an estimated $16.5 million from 2,900 midnight scr... ...全文

  • baiyun010 (重庆) 万里长城Culture of the Great Wall

    发表于 2007-07-10

    万里长城Culture of the Great Wall In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As ... ...全文

  • taili668 (广东) 深圳市泰立仪器仪表有限公司

    发表于 2007-07-09

    深圳市泰立仪器仪表有限公司是专业从事测试仪器仪表设备的代理、销售和服务工作。并与国外著名仪表生产厂商有着广泛的技术与销售合作的良好基础。作为美国Raytek雷泰、北京TIME时代集团、日本SHIMPO新宝、日本KANOMAX加野麦克斯、日本RION理音、台湾TES泰仕等公司的中国销售代理。主要销售的仪器有:风速仪、涂层测厚仪、... ...全文

    标签: 公司简介

  • cpubbs (广东) 最珍贵的是拥有的,而不是失去的和得不到的!(转贴禅学)

    发表于 2007-07-09

    不是一个神话的故事,而是为了使你领悟一个道理! 从前,有一座圆音寺,每天都有许多人上香拜佛,香火很旺。在圆音寺庙前的横梁上有个蜘蛛结了张网,由于每天都受到香火和虔诚的祭拜的熏托,蛛蛛便有了佛性。经过了一千多年的修炼,蛛蛛佛性增加了不少。 忽然有一天,佛主光临了圆音寺,看见这里香火甚旺,十分高兴。离开... ...全文

    标签: 禅学

  • cpubbs (广东) 瓶颈一词的来由?并问一个禅学故事寓意[转贴]

    发表于 2007-07-09

    转自百度知道;   原文: 宣州刺史陆亘大夫问南泉:古人瓶中养一鹅,鹅渐长大,出瓶不得。如今不得毁瓶,不得损鹅,和尚怎么生出得?泉召:大夫!陆应诺。泉曰:出也!陆从此开解,即礼谢。 《五灯会元》 注释: 此为唐代时期陆亘大夫在南泉普愿禅师的启发下领悟禅法的公案。 白话: 宣州刺史陆亘大夫问南泉禅师说... ...全文

    标签: 禅学

  • cpubbs (广东) 慢性鼻窦炎 (转贴)

    发表于 2007-06-26

    原贴地址:   一、慢性鼻窦炎 鼻窦炎鼻窦炎,中医称为“鼻渊”,是一种非常多见的耳鼻喉科疾病,在成人和儿童中都有较高的发病率,慢性鼻窦炎由于病程长,反复发作,难以治愈。【诊断】1.鼻窦炎常继发于上感或急性鼻炎,这时原有症状加重,出现畏寒、发热、食欲不振... ...全文

    标签: 转载类

  • lijie1010 MAYA角色动画高级班(4000元)

    发表于 2007-06-24

    本课程深入学习Maya的动画制作技术,包括建模技术,生物和人体模型制作,高级材质纹理应用,高级渲染控制,角色骨骼设定,角色绑定,动画控制系统的规划,角色动画,传统动画理论及其在三维动画片中的应用,及毛发,布料,头发,表达式等。并通过完整案例锻炼团队协作能力。咨询电话:023-89108022 网 址:http://16399.... ...全文

  • lgh269 (广东) .net工程师必懂题

    发表于 2007-05-21

    1.面向对象的思想主要包括什么? 2.什么是ASP.net中的用户控件 3.什么叫应用程序域?什么是受管制的代码?什么是强类型系统?什么是装箱和拆箱?什么是重载?CTS、CLS和CLR分别作何解释? 4.列举一下你所了解的XML技术及其应用 5.值类型和引用类型的区别?写出C#的样例代码。 6.ADO.net中常用的对象有哪些?分... ...全文

    标签: 转贴

  • lgh269 (广东) 把业务逻辑放在服务器上要怎么实现

    发表于 2007-05-21

    创建业务实体层,映射数据库的关系,其业务逻辑在中间服务器层实现,减轻了数据库服务器的压力。有利于负载均衡 ...全文

    标签: 转贴