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That there are a good man

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-05 16:35:48 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

! I do not know. - Diary - Original literature good moodLast night I made the bus home from Oriole Village take the overpass to the Zhongshan Station is about to get off, to see heavy rain outside, so big rain ah, I hasten to distraction umbrella to get off, 2 year little girl came to ask me: my sister, can I borrow your umbrella? I said: Yes ah. And 3 individuals braved an umbrella. After sending them off the road,prada handbags for sale, to hear their request,chanel handbags for sale, I promised to send them home. Side of the road deserted, suddenly bright lights are suddenly extinguished,louis vuitton outlet, while a large rain,fendi bags, while still thunder. I was very afraid, afraid of thunder. Fortunately, two little girls, we walked around in my chat, has completed the last for a very long way, and finally sent them home. Originally they were relatives living together. However, after a little girl to me pour a glass of hot water, said thank you after I drank slowly. The girl's father will be in the upstairs linen,hermes bags on sale, the mother is still working, totally do not know me,Obsessed with a relationship - Diary - Original literature g, and because under the rain outside is too great, I am in their home and a little girl down the chess, hide almost This half an hour to go home.
same route back to the way the sky is still thunder, then my heart was really afraid, no way, I ran home so unpleasant task , came home soaked from head to foot, eh
thunder scared me, really, a good man hard to do.

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  • 日志数: 63
  • 建立时间: 2010-06-07
  • 更新时间: 2010-07-17


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