Tomlinson Visiting Jets After Talking to Vikings - 彩虹熠熠的空间 - cpubbs论坛免费虚拟仪器博客 labview虚拟仪器讨论区 - cpubbs论坛 虚拟仪器论坛|labview论坛|labwindows论坛|vi|cvi|数据采集卡|入门教程|初学|软件下载|虚拟仪器免费博客|虚拟仪器电子商务|虚拟仪器商城|虚拟仪器人才中心|图形化单片机编程cpuview|虚拟仪器在线商城 - Powered by X-Space

Tomlinson Visiting Jets After Talking to Vikings

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-16 15:07:09 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Tomlinson Visiting Jets After Talking to Vikings Tomlinson Visiting Jets After Talking to Vikings LaDainian Tomlinson, the former San Diego Chargers running back who is a free agent, will visit the Jets on Friday. #xTomlinson, wine box30,Mold, ran for a career-low 730 yards last season and would probably back up Shonn Greene with the Jets. He could help them replace Thomas Jones, who ran for 1,402 yards but was released. The Jets did not want to pay Jones a $3 million roster bonus and a $2.8 million salary for 2010.

Tomlinson left the Minnesota Vikings on Thursday after two days of meetings without a contract. Adding him to the backfield would give the Vikings a powerhouse combination with Adrian Peterson.

?A suspected Denver gang member, #xWillie Clark, was found guilty of murder in the drive-by shooting death of Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams after a New Year’s Eve outing three years box Clark, 39, faces life in prison at his April 30 sentencing. Williams, 24, was in his second year with the Broncos.

?Matt Moore signed a one-year, $3.043 million tender with the Carolina Panthers, who have declared him the starting quarterback after releasing their longtime starter, #x Jake Delhomme, wine boxlast week. Moore, 25, went 4-1 last season after Delhomme was sidelined with a broken finger.

TAG: mold Mold





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 日志数: 218
  • 建立时间: 2010-01-27
  • 更新时间: 2010-03-16


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