Embrace the world with a quiet heart - Essay story - Essay Essay - Article Readi - cl博客yqy583 - cpubbs论坛免费虚拟仪器博客 labview虚拟仪器讨论区 - cpubbs论坛 虚拟仪器论坛|labview论坛|labwindows论坛|vi|cvi|数据采集卡|入门教程|初学|软件下载|虚拟仪器免费博客|虚拟仪器电子商务|虚拟仪器商城|虚拟仪器人才中心|图形化单片机编程cpuview|虚拟仪器在线商城 - Powered by X-Space

Embrace the world with a quiet heart - Essay story - Essay Essay - Article Readi

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-12 14:50:04 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

mind is the master who has great power,
Therefore, we should be starting any time pay attention to his heart study.

our contact with every day a lot of people,
in frequent contact,
inevitably conflicts or conflicts with others,
or, as affected by things outside their own mood,
This is one of the modern troubles in general.

want to always ensure a peaceful heart,
is a very deep knowledge, not easy to achieve.

when we boarded the mountains or when standing on the beach,
endless scenery, let us open the gate,
this time, this world in the chaos of trouble,
will disappear without track.

some people to say:
mind how big, how much the world had.

our hearts,
If you can, as wilderness, sea, sky, like open,vertumnus,
can only put something infinite,
have more freedom to enjoy life.


so-called normal, is that we are very clear
environment of right and wrong, good or bad beauty and ugliness,
a goal of all phenomena? Course, but escaped unscathed,

after people have courage of your convictions, not easily shaken by external circumstances.
to maintain physical and mental stability, and can clearly see their own situation,
to do,Yesterday, I was still young - Essay story - Essays Essay - Article Reading Network, can not do;
to do,vertu replica, should do,Celine bag, is also very clear,
this is wisdom.

want the heart to maintain stability Ching Ming, do not mind change with the environment,
That is,Chanel handbags, when the situation occurs,
careful not to immediately move immediate environment.

easiest way is,
absorption observed Hu feeling from the nose out,
or observe the feelings,
simply focus on bodily sensations, the < br> mood will settle down.

In fact, heart trouble, not necessarily all bad,
fact, it is still clear heart foundation.
because, for people who have good roots, Faced with problems,
think this is a trouble,
hope to transform. it into a quiet, lucid mind,
this time with heart trouble Fandao is an edge of a help.

Therefore,herve leger dresses,
if you know how to wisdom, compassion to deal with the problem,
heart will not always tie a knot, and to Ching Ming comfortable.
that both live in any of the situations,
can remain calm, stable, independent, free state of mind. Haohao De

close your eyes think,
he is not because of Xin Fu air dry, and messed up a lot of things?
he is not often the environment be affected?
they are not always angry for small things, left off yourself?


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  • 更新时间: 2010-07-17


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