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vice minister of public letter on the 7th National People's

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-09 17:27:35 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Toyota is a bully with the cars of Chinese consumers in different life National People's Congress, Miao Wei, vice minister of public letter on the 7th National People's Congress, said the seminar, for Toyota, the Chinese auto companies should also realize that to attach importance to product quality, can not just think of and reduce costs. At the same time, Toyota alsoEnergy saving lamp has joint ventures in China, hundreds of thousands of vehicles a year production and sales, and American consumers want to be treated equally and can not have double standards in dealing with quality problems. Out of the problem is not terrible,#x it is important to see how to deal with (March 7,google排名, "Beijing Times")

Recently, the relevant head of Toyota said the recall in China, RAV4, does not give China the owner compensation. It is understood that, also the vehicles for#x the U.S. treatment of owners are completely different. In the United States, Toyota will provide "door to recall" service, and Energy saving lamppersonally driving Depot recalled transportation costs of consumer subsidies, and in auto repair, and are offering the same model vehicles.

With the Toyota car, with a recall, Toyota, two kinds of consumers in the United States are treated in full in contempt of the Chinese consumer, bullied China Toyota car owners. It stands to reason, Toyota recall vehicles, companies should take the initiative to statistics sales volume #xand Energy saving lampsales targets, take the initiative to "come to recall" vehicles, the maintenance phase of the recall affected vehicle owners to use, should provide the same car model vehicles for car owners to use. Auto Depot recalled for consumers should be the provision of transport subsidies, subsidies to loss of working time, as well as certain economic damages. All these things have been done in the United States, and honored, while in China, no mention is not even clear that the compensation given to Chinese consumers.

TAG: google排名





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