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Camping or Questing - coffee mugs

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-02-14 13:39:07 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Blizzard’s legal team is going after another private server. They’ve got the same team who took on bnetd to help take out the nefarious crew who run this pirated version of the game. See, it’s one thing to emulate the server (which is against the law) and it’s another to make an income off of it. One is just a bad thing; the other is a really bad coffee mugs thing folks. For those of you who don’t know what a private server is then let me tell you. It’s a server where some programmer reverse engineered the game in order to emulate the game server. This lets you play without Blizzard’s permission and often riddled with egomaniacs, drama, and constant server wipes.

It just goes to show people that if you’re going to invest in a game, invest in the legit version. WoW is cheap enough and fun enough that you don’t need to pay some nefarious types online to get your fix. Besides, who knows,floding bike, you might be subpoenaed when Blizzard gets a craving for revenge.

So, race changing went in last week...

Now, some are claiming this is a huge money grab by Blizzard. Because shortly after it went live there was a nerf to Will of the Forsaken (the Undead racial) that makes it not so great anymore. This means that those who changed to Undead or those who picked want to change over to a race with a superior racial. Some think Blizzard planned this out as a way to make money and I honestly think it is. This isn’t something that you have to do though. PvP aside, you only need a pvp trinket and WotF for one fight (heroic faction champs) so it’s not THAT bad. PvP I can see, but I guess everyone should be happy enough to have a trinket without having to equip one.

The hybrid tax [link]. Ghostcrawler,custom usb, who some like to call Derek Smartcrawler (though I would not say that myself), stickied a thread about hybrids and the hybrid tax. Basically it says that pure classes should do better DPS than hybrids if everything was equal to justify a pure class not having the ability to respec into something else. The hybrid tax is a mystical figure with no firm percentage and applies to any class that has the option to respec into another role. In summary, people should stop asking for buffs for your class using the pure vs. hybrid argument as a justification. Sounds to me like it’s a bad attempt to hush up the WoW forum crew and the vocal majority who scream buff them nerf others constantly.

Sindragosa has a cleave and an encounter that looked like Sapphiron, almost. She cleaves, breaths ice (instead of fire), and will beat you down with her tail. She’ll pull everyone to her and you have to run or else she’ll insta kill the led lights entire raid. When she takes off she does a little bit of Sapphiron magic by turning a few random raid members into ice block and then throws down ice bombs. These bombs require you in a position to block the damage from them. So you have to maneuver around the ice tombs until you’re sure you won’t get hit. Looks pretty good.

Quel'Delar is coming. It’s got a backstory. It seems that the vampire guild that Arthas is contracting out to run his operations while he works on the A/C in his castle is led by some Blood Elf who shattered it. It seems that you’ll need to get some shards and purify it in the Sunwell in order to wield this epic purp. Guess we’ll see where that goes.

Deathwhisper was up too, but I didn’t pay much attention to that. It seems like a lot of these encounters are already down. Awesome.

In the days of ‘ol you used to set up “camp” in one spot. You and a group of likeminded individuals would work out an enemy level that you could easily take and then fight those same enemies until the healer logged off or everyone (yeah right) out leveled the area. I used to do this a lot on my Necromancer in DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot), so much so that I ended up with 7 levels 50s and my friends have multiple level 50s of their own. I really enjoyed just sitting there talking and pulling mobs as a kind of a mini-game between the talking.

In Ragnarok Online the enemies moved so you had to move around to fight them, but there were no quests. There was just killing enemies to level up.

The problem with this is that it takes an hour for you to notice your quest bar to move a bit. You may never realize your XP is coming in coffee mugs since it comes in slow small amounts. It’s a frustrating experience, but you were playing for the social aspect more than the “I’m leveling super fast!”

Part of WoW’s popularity was that they changed it up a bit. You still grinded away, but you did so by questing. You&rsquo,cosplay;d go grind a bit, turn in a quest, and see an instant bump to your XP bar. Now, don’t let the game fool you, they’re not rewarding grinding with MORE xp. They’re saving up the XP you would have normally got from grinding and they shove it into a quest. You turn in the quest and you get that bit of XP all at once. Of course, it is easier since you can solo as any class, but the discussion is about moving around or standing still.

TAG: bike coffee COSPLAY cosplay floding mugs





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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