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functional textiles, consumers can not

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-08 12:21:25 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Although the market demand is great, <a href="">PVC Fabric</a>but most of the properties of functional textiles, consumers can not be relying on their own to judge the visual and tactile, etc., that can not see, touch and smell no less than its function or whether there are pros and cons of extent have to rely on a certain test methods and instruments can be assessed, so that when consumers buy at the clouds, a very easy to pass by due to hesitation and. Functional finishing product colors and patterns,Buy in Global, as neither the intuitive appeal, #xthe lack of soft and elegant and so very enjoyable quality, only in the course of their effectiveness and makes a taste of. In addition, functional fabrics, or the introduction of post-processing methods can greatly improve the value to their products, so some unscrupulous businessmen in pursuit of short-term interests of these high-tech fabrics to counterfeit. Silk street with a time of Gore-tex, Schoeller tag outdoor clothing abound. Functional textiles faced with a real bead on the fish and the purpose of confusing mixed. Do hope that the industry department in conjunction with relevant management and#x leadership experience, learn from others to mature as soon as possible the establishment of functional finishing products market rules of the game. Calling this function finishing product market can give special care to prevent the fish in against counterfeiting and protect the interests of consumers, maintain the market order to create a fair competition.相关的主题文章:

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