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PauseBreak: ‘Bad Company 2’ doesn’t disappoint gamers

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-10 12:04:30 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

PauseBreak: ‘Bad Company 2’ doesn’t disappoint gamers PauseBreak: ‘Bad Company 2’ doesn’t disappoint gamers "Call of Duty," "Medal of Honor" and "Mercenaries" are all franchises Traffic barricadesthat have exploited the genre time and time again, so it’s nice to see "Battlefield: Bad Company 2" can do something new and interesting.

"Bad Company 2" #xtells two stories: One, in the past where U.S. soldiers encounter a Japanese super weapon, and another is during the present as a group of commandos travel to Russia and Bolivia on covert operations missions.

The player’s squad is an entertaining group, although considering their use of language, it’s no wonder this game is rated M for mature.

Another reason for the mature rating is the amount of blood in this game.

It’s never really overwhelming, but when a bad guy Traffic barricadesis shot,DVD Ripper, a believable amount of the red stuff comes out almost as if the blood splattering was influenced by war films like "Saving Private Ryan."

It may be a gory thing to notice, but it is this attention to detail that shows Electronic Arts put a lot of work into this game.

They also put a large amount of work into the game’s surroundings.

The areas look fantastic, especially the jungle levels.

In an early level on a Japanese island, I felt like I was in "Jurassic Park," with lush forests #xthat looked almost breathtaking.

Another interesting aspect of the game’s environment Traffic barricadesis the buildings can all be destroyed, be it from a rocket propelled grenade to repeatedly firing a shotgun.

TAG: DVD dvd Ripper





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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