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sheepskin ugg boots

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-22 10:37:04 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

I like sheepskin ugg boots very much.The first thing to be aware of is that sheepskin is a natural fiber and these boots are handmade. This may seem obvious, but basically what this means is that every boot will be a little different. Of course, UGG Boots online has strict guidelines regarding the quality and manufacturing of their product, but there will naturally be some slight variations because the shoes are made of a natural material. Man-made fabrics, such as polyester, are more consistent in their appearance and texture because they are based on a specific formula. I think we can all agree that sheep do not follow any such formula. It is logical, when you think about it, that each boot may have a slightly different texture to the fur and a slightly different reaction to the dye because sheep are unique, in their own sheepy way.

Another great question is about the effect of water on uggs. Leather boots like the UGG boots are naturally a little more water resistant, and the classic ugg boots which is made for harsher weather) is advertised as waterproof, but the majority of UGG Australia boots should be treated with a waterproofing spray of some sort. Suede, like that on the Classic Tall and Classic Short, is a more sensitive type of leather. This type of leather is water resistant and will help protect your feet from damp weather, but that doesn’t mean that excessive moisture won’t alter the appearance of the boot. Historically this makes sense; the UGG Australia Classic boots started out on Australian surfers, not skiers in Massachusetts. It’s not a defect if you wear your boots in a downpour and they look stained by the water, even if you sprayed them with waterproofing spray. Even with the best precautions suede is generally not going to be the best type of leather for repelling water. What a great excuse for buying two pairs of UGG Australia boots: one for heavy rain and one for the rest of the year!

I love getting dressed up for winter, layering on leggings with my sweater dress and ugg sheepskin boots , a sweater and a jacket, and a rotating army of scarves, hats and gloves. I don’t enjoy being frozen, especially knowing how easy a situation that is to avoid. So personally, I do not consider myself a “true Oregonian.” I like umbrellas, and only wear flip flops when it’s above 75 degrees.So ugg boots is my best choice in the winter,Uggs sale on ugg official store.You are sure to like it,if you have wore it.


TAG: bo boots Boots Classic sheepskin ugg UGG Ugg classic





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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