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Home Buyers Check Out Apps

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-11 12:12:10 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Home Buyers Check Out Apps Home Buyers Check Out Apps Just in time for the spring house-hunting season, smart-phone applications thatLinear actuator provide information to home buyers are proliferating.

Real-estate firms #xhave long vied to have the most engaging Web site to attract people searching for homes. Now they also feel compelled to have an "app" for Apple Inc.'s iPhone and other smart phones. Rather than being moneymakers—brokers tend to offer their apps for free—the apps are seen as a tool to make the home-buying process easier.

"I don't think it's driving revenue for us, but it's making customers happier," says Glenn Kelman, chief executive of Redfin Corp., a Seattle-based broker that operates in nine states.

Many of the apps' functions—such as listing which nearby homes Linear actuatorare for sale and which have sold recently, then fetching pricing and other data—have long been available via traditional Web sites. But the apps combine those functions with smart phones' global-positioning technology, so that users can get information on their immediate surroundings without having to type the address or zip code.

"It's like having your laptop with you on the ride," says Rachel Ashby, a marketing manager in Seattle who is using Redfin's app in her search for a house.

Jon Mirmelli, a real-estate investor in Scottsdale, Ariz., got an email last week informing him that a home in Phoenix was about to be put up for auction at a minimum bid of $668,000. With a few taps on his iPhone, he got details on the size of the house, a map and then panoramic photos of the relevant street. The images showed an older home that likely needed a lot of work.

"Within a minute,DVD Ripper, I had enough information#x to say it's not worth driving" 25 miles to inspect the home, says Mr. Mirmelli, who also occasionally uses an app Linear actuatorfrom Zillow.com to get estimates of home values and other data.

TAG: DVD dvd Ripper





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  • 更新时间: 2010-03-16


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