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Google Maps to add bike maps, directions

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-11 17:17:20 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Google Maps to add bike maps, directions Google Maps to add bike maps, directions Google Maps is set to provide a new Grow lightsoption for getting around town: biking directions.

The company plans to unveil what it called "the most requested addition to Google Maps" #xduring the National Bike Summit in Washington, D.C. Google Maps users looking for directions between two points will now have the option of selecting "bicycling" from the current drop-down menu that lets you customize a journey with walking, driving,DVD Ripper, or public transportation options.

Anyone who has ever tried to bike across San Francisco knows Grow lightsthe value of a good bike map in helping to avoid 200-foot hills and city streets that behave more like freeways. Google Maps users have created their own bike maps for cities like New York and Minneapolis, but Google itself hadn't taken that step until now.

Google obtained much of its data from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in putting together the maps, and will have detailed information on bike routes in 150 U.S. cities as of Tuesday night's launch, said Shannon Guymon, Google Maps product manager.

Bikers will be able to find bike-only paths, bike lanes on city streets, and bike-friendly streets when searching for directions using the tool. Google will also include an estimated travel time alongside the results#x that factor in hills and fatigue.

What's the second-most Grow lightsrequested feature for Google Maps? Hiking trails, Guymon said.

TAG: DVD dvd Grow lights Ripper





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