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The most authoritative Google ranking algorithm decryption - Search Engine Optim

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-17 17:10:20 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

in the past two years, the international search is one of our main focus, including all languages, not just the primary language.

another team in charge of the new features and user interface. Google user search interface is quite simple, when we add new features, as far as possible to ensure that the user is easy to use. In the past year, major changes include universal search, Google Notebooks, Custom Search Engine, and Improved iGoogle. User interface team has a group of usability experts and users in supporting research and assessment of new features.

, a team focused on anti-abuse and other skills that Matt Cutts is the responsibility of the group. The group identifies new spam techniques, and scalable way to overcome these garbage. Like other groups, this group is to deal with international multi-lingual. Anti-group and work closely with Google webmaster tools.

other specialized project team. The whole structure of our very informal, frequent staff changes,Thomas handbags, new projects begin at any time.

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The most authoritative Google ranking algorithm to decrypt

May 27th, 2008

most authoritative because it is a Google engineering vice president, responsible for ranking algorithms Udi Manber, published in the official blog for Google a post. The following translation of the main contents seized what you want to see the full original text, please refer to the official Google blog Google search quality profile.

search quality group is responsible for Google search results within the ranking. Google deal with numerous inquiries each day,Domain name search engine type would affect the rankings, Google needs a second time in less than a page, select from the hundreds of millions out of what should be returned, as well as Which will lead to order.

Google has been comparison of the ranking algorithm secret, there are two main reasons: competition and prevent abuse.

Google is the Google ranking algorithm the details of the crown of pearls, we proud of it, and very protective. However, complete confidentiality is not an ideal situation sometimes, so Udi Manber, who decided to communicate with the station, there is nothing new to talk about, explain some of the old content,givenchy bags sale, give suggestions, participate in dialogue. This post is the first, since there will be other content.

the heart of this sector is the core position group. Ranking is very difficult, than most people imagine more difficult. One reason is that language is ambiguous, the document has no rules, no standards for how to understand the information. So we need to understand anyone, for any reason, any page written. This is just a part of. We also need to understand the user's query, then check projection to the document as we understand it. Not to say that different people have different needs. And we need to be completed within a few milliseconds all.

Google ranking algorithm is the most famous part of the PageRank. PR is still in use, but has a larger part of a system. Other parts include language module (for phrases, synonyms, dialects, spelling errors and other capacity), the query module (not just language, but also how people use language), the time module (some query returns just before a 30-minute Chuangzuo The pages are most appropriate time to return some pages already exist for a long time is more appropriate), individual modules (not everyone needs the same thing).

another group to assess what we do. Goal is to improve the user experience, this is not the main goal, but the only goal. Are carried out automatically every minute assessment, periodic assessment of overall quality, more importantly, there are specific algorithm to adjust the assessment. When an engineer with a good idea to develop a new algorithm, we test this idea. A group of statisticians will check the data to determine the value of this new idea.

2007,Blahnik Manolo, we made adjustments to more than 450 times, almost every week 9. Example, in January of this year,Alexander Wang sale, we made significant adjustments PR algorithm. Most of the time we are looking for ways to improve the relevance, sometimes we are committed to simplify the algorithm, simple is good. (Zac's comment: this sentence on the simplified algorithm is adjusted immediately after the PR algorithm is said, not sure he is about simplifying the PR algorithm, or that the simplified algorithm in general terms. My feeling is that there has indeed been PR algorithm a substantial change. give me the impression that basically give us the toolbar PR is not allowed, in particular, deserves a lot of the inside pages with PR PR zero. Udi Manber said maybe this is the result of the algorithm simplifies .)

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  • 更新时间: 2010-07-17


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